Divine Women Retreat
Initiation Into Your Feminine Power
“she is a wild, tangled forest with temples and treasures concealed within”
- Do You want to connect more with your feminine power and intuition?
- Do you want to shine even more and live more confidently in your body?
- This retreat is an opportunity to connect with your wild, divine, feminine essence. The female body, the female essence is so complex, so rich in sensations, so indescribably magical.
Date to be announced
What to expect?
Dance, Self love and acceptance
Deep connection to yourself and your essence

Heart connections and sisterhood
Initiation into your feminine and divine essence
Diving into your feminine energy
Activate your life force energy

Vision work
Coming from the head into the body - deep embodiment work
Healing bodywork
Releasing old conditioning and emotional baggage

New experiences and body sensations
Fall in love with your life and body
We invite you to experience your body in a new way. To dive into deeper layers of your being, where there are no limits and you can discover yourself anew.
Do you know this?
You feel unbalanced and stressed out?
Do you feel like you’re just “functioning”?
Do you wish for a stronger connection to your feminine energy?
Do you wish for better access to your intuition and creativity?
Do you feel disconnected from your cycle?
Are you facing difficulties with your sexuality and pleasure?
Do you frequently lose yourself in external pressures?
Do you struggle with setting boundaries?
Do you consistently prioritize yourself last?
If some of these points resonate with you, then we have good news for you! You’re not alone; many other women feel the same. And you can change that. A magical journey awaits you.

For whom is this retreat?
It is for all women who:
- want to feel a deep connection with themselves and their body
- want to dive into and experience their feminine energy
- want to live the best version of themselves
- want more aliveness, flow & ease in their life
- want to experience a magical sisterhood among women
- Want to experience real transformation and be ready to go “all in”
- like physical activities and meditation
- are ready to look inside and feel all emotions
- are open for unconventional tools
What you need to know
Sunday 10am-6pm
Do you have any final questions about the Divine Women Retreat? Not sure if this retreat is suitable for you or what we’ll be doing there?
Then book a free 15-minute call over the phone where we can answer your questions
Do you have any final questions about the Divine Women Retreat? Not sure if this retreat is suitable for you or what we’ll be doing there?
Then book a free 15-minute call over the phone where we can answer your questions
Through mindful exercises, deep relaxation and altered states of consciousness, we can consciously influence our reality
Our body controls feelings and thoughts much more strongly than we think. We influence our mood through conscious movements and postures and can therefore also increase our power of manifestation. We can also release blockages in the body through movement.
Vision work
By imagining and embodying a future desired reality, we allow ourselves to think bigger, and program our system for new possibilities.
Inspired by the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza
Through the pillars of embodiment, we can free ourselves from old conditioning trauma responses at a cellular level and develop our self-healing potential. All emerging feelings and impulses find their own expression.
Emotional Release is a method that supports you in dissolving negative emotions and emotional blockages and thus using the energy of the emotion for you instead of against you. You will also learn how to deal with emotions in a healthy way.
Coaching Tools
such as hypnosis, NLP, non-linear movement & self-coaching tools support you in getting deep into your processes and creating long-term change. You will also learn tools for coaching yourself.
Conscious breathing influences our brain and our health in a positive way. It is a superpower against stress and helps you to access your subconscious. It brings you into the present moment & into connection with yourself.
Negative thought patterns and beliefs unconsciously influence our lives. By becoming aware of them, you can gradually transform them into a growth-oriented and positive mindset. The new, supportive belief patterns are deeply embedded within the body
Our Story
Melissa has often been a typical ‘people-pleaser’ in the past: she always wanted to please everyone out of fear of rejection, putting herself under extreme pressure. She had a strong inner critic, leading to frequent stress and an external focus. What will others think? Will I be rejected? She lost touch with herself and consistently got lost in external validations.
Elo has always been a rebel; she always knew what she wanted. However, her environment constantly dictated what would be good for her and what was right, causing her to constantly struggle against everything. Additionally, she unconsciously fought against herself, condemning her entire being. She felt lost and numb, seeking extreme situations just to feel something. This led her to cause a lot of harm to her body and herself.
At some point, both of us began to question ourselves. Could this really be all there is to life, or is there more? Coincidentally, we stumbled upon partner dancing and somatic practices. They led us on an inner journey—into feeling, sensing, and opening up. Truly seeing our inner selves. Embracing acceptance and self-love. And embracing the feminine principle.
We began to reconnect with ourselves. Suppressed emotions were set free, making us feel lighter and more at ease, reigniting our ability to dream. Our bodies opened up to vitality and pleasure. Access to our hearts and intuition emerged. We started integrating the feminine principle more and more into our lives. A completely new life gradually emerged

about Dance between dimensions
Together, three years ago, we founded Dance between Dimensions, a school focused on somatic practices and consciousness. Incorporating elements from embodiment, Brazilian Zouk, yoga, meditation, coaching, psychology, Taoism, Dr. Joe Dispenza’s vision work, dance, and more, we utilize a diverse range of tools and methods, having developed our own unique approach. We conduct seminars and workshops both offline and online, having guided over 1000 individuals through our events.
Heloisa is a certified yoga instructor, nutritional consultant, LTC coach, somatic expert, dancer, and practices Theta Healing®. Melissa holds a Master’s in Psychology, specializing as a Feminine Embodiment Coach, Greator Coach, and is a Non-linear Movement Method® Teacher
Questions & Answers
Absolutely not. It is very important to us that you only go as far as is right for you. It’s also very important to us that you learn to set your own healthy boundaries and take care of yourself. At the same time, we motivate you to step out of your comfort zone a little so that you can gain new experiences and broaden your horizons.
You are like a lot of people. The special thing about us is the bodywork. We really take your body with us and bring you into contact with your body throughout the weekend. This will automatically get you out of your head.
We are very familiar with these short-term successes. It’s very frustrating. Many workshops only work on a mental or cognitive level. However, we are multi-dimensional beings and the emotional, physical and energetic levels also need to be taken into account. The difference with us is that it is about deep embodiment and taking all these levels into account. The whole weekend is designed to work on a cellular level. So that your whole being is taken holistically. Of course, you can continue to integrate some things, such as useful habits, after the seminar and life also likes to test whether you fall back into old patterns. However, you will notice that the energy behind it is different and your emotional reactions will change.
We are delighted that you are interested in this work! Many people who come to us have never attended an embodiment seminar before. In our rooms, we make sure that everyone feels comfortable and that you can really immerse yourself in the feminine energy. All you need is an openness to new things, a willingness to look inwards and a love of movement.
We have a colorful mix of all age groups at our retreats 🙂 From 16 to 70 years old, people are represented. Everyone, regardless of age, is an enrichment for the retreat and we can learn from each other wonderfully. If you’re not physically fit, that’s no problem at all. You only ever go as far as is right for your body. We do use a lot of movement, but it is usually not physically demanding and you can always adapt it.
We can say with certainty: the best investment you can make is investing in yourself. We have been holding retreats and workshops for 4 years now and receive outstanding feedback every time. For many people, the way they deal with themselves and how their environment reacts to them changes for the better after the retreat. If you get involved and go all in, you will take away exactly the things that are important to you right now. We are very confident in our work and know that it works.
Participation on individual days is not possible. The retreat is structured in such a way that the content builds on each other and we go on a journey together. We open the room together on Friday evenings and close together on Sunday evenings. This is also important for the group dynamics and the processes, which are much more powerful and deeper this way.