
Wild Women

  • 2,5 hours workshop
  • Activate your elemental force
  • Learn to direct your energy in the body
  • Emotional Release
  • Empower yourself and come into your power

Inner Goddess

  • 4 hours workshop
  • for women only.
  • you sensitize and open your body to feel more pleasure and enjoyment.
  • You learn to evoke sensations of pleasure and ecstasy at different levels in the body.

Wild Women Workshop

  • More self-confidence
  • Improved body awareness and perception
  •  Natural relationship and handling of sexuality
  •  More freedom in your own body
  •  Stronger charisma
  •  More conscious breathing
  •  Deeper encounters with others
  •  More sensitivity for the female organs
  •  Being able to surrender and let go better
  •  More flexibility
  •  Inner balance

alive wild and centered

🌹 The workshop consists of an ingenious mixture of dance, movement, Taoist practices, meditation, stretching and much more. You can set yourself up for a transformation here and come fully into your feminine power. 🌹 How free and safe do I feel in my own body? How sensual do I feel? Am I using the full potential of my femininity? How do I feel about my sexuality? Do I accept my body?

Inner Goddess Workshop

  • 4 hours just for you 
  • Breathing exercises
  • bodywork
  • Movement meditation
  • Sacred dance
  • Taoist and tantric meditation
  • Development of the female consciousness
  • Self love and acceptance
  • Coming from the head into the body
  • Cultivating sexual life energy
  • Filling up feminine energy
  • heart connections

Unleash the Goddess

Within every woman there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing. Her name is Wild Woman.